



書籍商 東京都公安委員会
許可 第303298300269号



  書名 著者名 刊行年 価格- No.
Book and painting : Shakespeare, Milton, and the Bible : literary texts and the emergence of English painting Ronald Paulson 1982 1,500円 77358
Buchillustration als Kunstform : Fritz Fischer zu E.T.A. Hoffmann und Jean Paul Reinhard Heinritz (Hrsg.) 1999 1,500円 79218
Die lithographischen Verfahren und der Offsetdruck. Die lithographischen Verfahren und der Offsetdruck. Otto Kruger 1926 1,500円 73932
Gutenberg Gutenberg : de l'or au plomb Gutenberg Gutenberg : de l'or au plomb dir. de Jacques Jourquin 1988 1,500円 72921
Hetzel : le bon genie des livres. (Collection essais/documents) Gourevitch, Jean-Paul c2005 1,500円 40488
Johann Gutenberg : the inventor of printing. Gutenberg, Johann] Scholderer, Victor 1970 1,500円 48729
A collection of armorial bookbindings of the Tudor, Stuart and Hanoverian periods A collection of armorial bookbindings of the Tudor, Stuart and Hanoverian periods George Smith ; Frank Benger 1927 1,000円 73976
ABC for book collectors. Carter, John ; Barker, Nicolas 1995 1,000円 45600
Bookbinding as a handcraft Manly Banister 1986 1,000円 78692
Erfindungen von einst. Erfindungen von einst. Fausto Veranzio ; mit einer Einfhurung von Ernst H. Berninger 1982 1,000円 91531
Fifty-five books printed before 1525 representing the works of England's first printers : an exhibition from the collection of Paul Mellon, January 17-March 3, 1968 Grolier Club ; Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art 1968 1,000円 48641
Fourth estate : publisher of the year, new titles., August 1997 - Februaly 1998 Fourth estate : publisher of the year, new titles., August 1997 - Februaly 1998   [199-] 1,000円 77195
Johannes Gutenberg : from lead letter to the computer. Gutenberg, Johann] Geck, Elisabeth 1968 1,000円 49420
printer's abecedarium. printer's abecedarium. John O. C. McCrillis ; Susan C. McCrillis 1975 1,000円 91033
The petie schole. Clement, Francis 1967 1,000円 45586
The printed book. Aldis, Harry G. ; Carter, John ; Crutchley, Brooke 1951 1,000円 45657