



書籍商 東京都公安委員会
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  書名 著者名 刊行年 価格 No.+
羅独和訳医学字典 川村正治, 宮地良治 編訳 明27 4,800円 13465
Svante Arrhenius Svante Arrhenius von Ernst H. Riesenfeld 1931 3,000円 30395
L'oceanographie J. Richard [1907] 4,800円 34714
Alexander von Humboldt : Biographie eines grossen Forschungsreisenden. Alexander von Humboldt : Biographie eines grossen Forschungsreisenden. Botting, Douglas 1982 1,800円 42445
The edge of infinity : supermassive black holes in the universe. Melia, Fulvio 2003 2,000円 42496
Conditioned reflexes : an investigation of the physiological activity of the cerebral cortex. Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich 1927 18,000円 42999
Kopierbucher und Briefsammlung des Alexander von Siebold : ein Verzeichnis Schmidt, Vera ; Wollowski, Edeltraud 1991 3,000円 46424
Medicine before the plague : practitioners and their patients in the crown of Aragon, 1285-1345. (Cambridge history of medicine) Medicine before the plague : practitioners and their patients in the crown of Aragon, 1285-1345. (Cambridge history of medicine) McVaugh, M. R. (Michael Rogers) 1993 4,800円 47653
Death is a social disease : public health and political economy in early industrial France. (Wisconsin publications in the history of science and medicine ; no. 1) Death is a social disease : public health and political economy in early industrial France. (Wisconsin publications in the history of science and medicine ; no. 1) Coleman, William 1982 3,800円 47654
Abortion, doctors, and the law : some aspects of the legal regulation of abortion in England from 1803 to 1982. (Cambridge history of medicine) Abortion, doctors, and the law : some aspects of the legal regulation of abortion in England from 1803 to 1982. (Cambridge history of medicine) Keown, John 1988 2,500円 47655
Legal medicine in history. (Cambridge history of medicine) Legal medicine in history. (Cambridge history of medicine) Clark, Michael ; Crawford, Catherine 1994 3,000円 47657
Ex Libris Museum: Medicina. (Ex libris museum, 1) Mirabella, Giuseppe 1991 2,000円 47709
The Cambridge encyclopedia of human paleopathology Aufderheide, A. C. ; Rodriguez-Martin, C. 1998 4,000円 48120
Cosmologie du XXe siecle : etude epistemologique et historique des theories de la cosmologie contemporaine. (Bibliotheque des idees) Merleau-Ponty, Jacques c1965 2,000円 48597
Suicide and euthanasia : historical and contemporary themes. (Philosophy and medicine ; v. 35) Brody, Baruch A. c1989 8,000円 48642
The Polish school of philosophy of medicine : from Tytus Chalubinski (1820-1889) to Ludwik Fleck (1896-1961). (Philosophy and medicine ; v. 37) Lowy-Zelmanowicz, Ilana c1990 6,000円 48644
The meaning of illness : a phenomenological account of the different perspectives of physician and patient. (Philosophy and medicine ; v. 42) Toombs, S. Kay c1992 6,000円 48645
The Body in medical thought and practice. (Philosophy and medicine ; v. 43) Leder, Drew c1992 9,000円 48646
The science of woman : gynaecology and gender in England, 1800-1929. (Cambridge history of medicine) Moscucci, Ornella 1990 1,000円 48849
Ancient medicine. Ancient medicine. Vivian Nutton   3,000円 70557
Unser Korper : Handbuch der Anatomie, Physiologie und Hygiene der Leibesubungen. Ferdinand August Schmidt 1920 2,500円 71321
The strategy of life : teleology and mechanics in nineteenth-century German biology The strategy of life : teleology and mechanics in nineteenth-century German biology Timothy Lenoir 1989 2,500円 71595
Deadly medicine : Indians and alcohol in early America Deadly medicine : Indians and alcohol in early America Peter C. Mancall 1995 1,500円 72684
Rime Rime Galileo Galilei ; Antonio Marzo 2002 1,500円 73586
Modern biology and natural theology Modern biology and natural theology Alan Olding 1991 3,000円 73735
Vulgariser La Medecine : Du Style Medical En France Et En Italie (Xvie Et Xviie Siecles) Edited by Carlino, Andrea; Edited by Jeanneret, Professor Michel 2009 3,000円 76031
Alpine flowers of Japan descriptions of one hundred select species together with cultural methods. H. Takeda 1938 2,000円 77267
Biographies medicales et scientifiques collection dirigee par Pierre Huard 1972 2,000円 77325
Jubilee publication in commemoration of the sixtieth birthday of Professor Kin-ichiro Sakaguchi Jubilee publication in commemoration of the sixtieth birthday of Professor Kin-ichiro Sakaguchi   1958 2,000円 77433
Histoire des maladies de l'oreille, du nez, de la gorge : les grandes etapes de l'oto-rhino-laryngologie. Yves Guerrier ; Pierre Mounier-Kuhn ; Georges Portmann 1980 2,800円 78399
Antique medical instruments Elisabeth Bennion 1979 4,000円 78611
Ancient astrology. Ancient astrology. Tamsyn Barton 1994 2,000円 91927
Papillonnages: Une histoire culturelle du papillon Papillonnages: Une histoire culturelle du papillon Nicolas Watkowski c2007 3,000円 93267
Le cochon : histoire, symbolique et cuisine du porc Le cochon : histoire, symbolique et cuisine du porc Jacques Verroust, Michel Pastoureau, Raymond Buren 1998 2,500円 93268
Translating the past : Laurent de Premierfait and Boccaccio's De casibus. Translating the past : Laurent de Premierfait and Boccaccio's De casibus. Anne D. Hedeman, J. Paul Getty Museum 2008 4,000円 93272