書名 |
著者名 |
刊行年 |
価格 |
No.+ |
Of minds and molecules : new philosophical perspectives on chemistry |
Bhushan, Nalini |
c2000 |
4,800円 |
37037 |
Time : the modern and postmodern experience. |
Nowotny, Helga |
c1994 |
3,000円 |
38225 |
Models of spatial processes : an approach to the study of point, line, and area patterns. (Cambridge geographical studies ; 8) |
Getis, Arthur/ Boots, B. N. |
1978 |
2,000円 |
38230 |
Proceedings., Series A, Mathematical sciences |
Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen |
1958 |
3,000円 |
38313 |
Collected papers on acoustics |
by Wallace Clement Sabine |
1922 |
3,000円 |
39108 |
Fractals in geophysics |
edited by Christopher H. Scholz, Benot B. Mandelbrot |
1989 |
2,000円 |
40809 |
Fractals : dimensions non entieres et applications |
sous la direction de G. Cherbit ; preface de J. P. Kahane |
1987 |
4,000円 |
40817 |
Set theory : an introduction |
Robert L. Vaught |
1985 |
2,000円 |
40820 |
Mechanizing proof : computing, risk, and trust. |
MacKenzie, Donald A. |
c2001 |
2,000円 |
42497 |
Television techniques. |
Bettinger, Hoyland |
c1947 |
2,800円 |
42671 |
Geometric wave equations. |
Jalal Shatah, Michael Struwe |
2000 |
1,800円 |
42732 |
Non-linear elliptic equations in conformal geometry. |
Sun-Yung Alice Chang |
2004 |
1,500円 |
42736 |
Properties of porous silicon |
edited by Leigh Canham |
c1987 |
12,000円 |
42858 |
L'accueil des idees de Sadi Carnot et la technologie francaise de 1820 a 1860 : de la legende a l'histoire. |
Redondi, Pietro ; Costabel, Pierre |
1980 |
2,500円 |
43632 |
Enlightenment science in the romantic era : the chemistry of Berzelius and its cultural setting. (Uppsala studies in history of science ; v. 10) |
Berzelius, Jons Jakob] |
1992 |
2,500円 |
43676 |
The philosophy of mathematics today. |
edited by Matthias Schirn |
2003 |
4,000円 |
43713 |
The philosophy of mathematics today. |
Schirn, Matthias (ed.) |
2003 |
4,000円 |
43717 |
Theory of formal systems |
by Raymond M. Smullyan |
1971 |
1,500円 |
43731 |
Les fondements des mathematiques : de la geometrie d'Euclide a la relativite generale et a l'intuitionisme |
F. Gonseth ; prrface de Jacques Hadamard |
1974 |
3,500円 |
43768 |
Alexander A. Friedmann : the man who made the universe expand. |
Fridman, A. A.] Tropp, E. A. ; Frenkel, V.Ya. ; Chernin, A. D. |
1993 |
3,000円 |
43776 |
Mathematiques au fil des ages |
I.R.E.M.[Institut de recherche sur l'enseignement des math〓matiques] Groupe Epist〓mologie et Histoire ; textes choisis et comment〓s par Jean Dhombres, Amy Dahan-Dalmedico, Rudolf Bkouche, Christian Houzel et Michel Guillemot |
1987 |
2,500円 |
43786 |
Einfuhrung in die operative Logik und Mathematik. (Die Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften ; Bd. 78) |
Lorenzen, Paul |
1969 |
2,000円 |
43793 |
To save the phenomena : an essay on the idea of physical theory from Plato to Galileo. |
Duhem, Pierre Maurice Marie |
1969 |
2,800円 |
43852 |
From Watt to Clausius : the rise of thermodynamics in the early industrial age. |
Cardwell, Donald Stephen Lowell |
1971 |
6,000円 |
44319 |
Isaac Newton's philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica : 15-17 October 1987, Lublin, Poland. |
Newton, Isaac Kaminski, W. A. |
c1988 |
4,800円 |
44320 |
Giovanni Marliani and late medieval physics. |
Marliani, Giovanni Clagett, Marshall |
1967 |
2,800円 |
44321 |
Urkunden zur Geschichte der Mathematik im Mittelalter und der Renaissance. |
Curtze, Maximilian |
1968 |
3,000円 |
44422 |
Mathematik, Logik und Erfahrung. (Library of exact philosophy ; 2 |
Kraft, Viktor |
1970 |
1,500円 |
48640 |
Introduction to algorithms, MIT Press |
Thomas H. Cormen ... [et al.] |
2001 |
3,000円 |
71790 |
Principles of database and knowledge-base systems, v. 1-2 |
Jeffrey D. Ullman |
1988- |
3,800円 |
72287 |
Les paradoxes de l'infini |
Bernard Bolzano ; Hourya Sinaceur |
1993 |
2,800円 |
74155 |
An introduction to the theory of numbers |
by G.H. Hardy and E.M. Wright |
2008 |
2,000円 |
76297 |
Mathematische Formelsammlung : Fur Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler. |
Lothar Papula |
2014 |
2,000円 |
76699 |
The creation of quantum mechanics and the Bohr-Pauli dialogue |
John Hendry |
1984 |
4,800円 |
76882 |
Mathesis : Filosofia e historia de las ciencias matematicas, Serie III ; Vol.II ; No.1 ; Ene-Jun 2007 |
2007 |
1,500円 |
77112 |
The organization of perception and action : a theory for language and other cognitive skills |
Donald G. MacKay |
1987 |
1,000円 |
78037 |
CUDA by example : an introduction to general-purpose GPU programming |
Jason Sanders, Edward Kandrot |
2011 |
2,000円 |
78041 |
Blaise Pascal, 1623-1662 |
von Hans Loeffel |
1987 |
2,000円 |
78218 |
The Mathematician Sophus Lie : it was the audacity of my thinking |
Arild Stubhaug ; translated from the Norwegian by Richard H. Daly |
2002 |
2,000円 |
78219 |
Perfect symmetry : the accidental discovery of buckminsterfullerene |
Jim Baggott |
1994 |
1,500円 |
78230 |
Abel's proof : an essay on the sources and meaning of mathematical unsolvability. |
Peter Pesic |
2003 |
1,500円 |
78237 |
Vorlesungen uber nicht-euklidische Geometrie |
Felix Klein ; fur den Druck neu bearbeitet von W. Rosemann |
2,000円 |
78246 |
Miles of tiles |
Charles Radin |
1999 |
1,000円 |
78409 |
Dynamics : the geometry of behavior., part 4 ; Bifurcation behavior |
by Ralph H. Abraham and Christopher D. Shaw |
1988 |
3,000円 |
78749 |
A day's adventure in Math wonderland. |
Jin Akiyama, Mari-Jo Ruiz ; illustrations by Frances Alcaraz |
2008 |
2,800円 |
79006 |
Mathematiques en Mediterranee des tablettes babyloniennes au theoreme de Fermat |
1988 |
1,000円 |
83259 |
L'integration dans les groupes topologiques et ses applications |
Andre Weil |
1979 |
4,000円 |
83260 |
Hel Braun : eine Frau und die Mathematik 1933-1940 : der Beginn einer wissenschaftlichen Laufbahn |
herausgegeben von Max Koecher |
1990 |
1,500円 |
83263 |
Wissenschaft und Politik : Physik im Dritten Reich, Organisation der Forschung, internationale Wissenschaft, A.v. Humboldt-Stiftung, Physik, Technik und Gesellschaft, politische Stellungnahmen u.a |
1989 |
2,800円 |
90441 |
Foundations of set theory. |
Abraham A. Fraenkel, Yehoshua Bar-Hillel, Azriel Levy, with the collaboration of Dirk van Dalen |
1984 |
2,000円 |
90929 |