



書籍商 東京都公安委員会
許可 第303298300269号



  書名 著者名 刊行年 価格 No.+
The world of Nabokov's stories. (Literary modernism series) Nabokov] Shrayer, Maxim 1999 2,000円 48070
Vladimir Nabokov. (Modern critical views) Nabokov] Bloom, Harold 1987 2,800円 48071
Victims : textual strategies in recent American fiction Bruss, Paul c1981 1,400円 48072
Nabokov's fifth arc : Nabokov and others on his life's work. (The Dan Danciger publication series) Nabokov] Rivers, J. E. ; Nicol, Charles 1982 1,300円 48073
Vladimir Nabokov, his life, his work, his world : a tribute Nabokov] Quennell, Peter 1979 1,500円 48074
Nabokov : criticism, reminiscences, translations and tributes. (A Triquarterly book) Nabokov] Appel, A. ; Newman, Ch. Hamilton 1970 1,700円 48078
Nabokov's deceptive world Nabokov] Rowe, William Woodin 1971 1,600円 48080
Vladimir Nabokov, a reference guide. (A reference publication in literature) Nabokov] Schuman, Samuel [c1979] 1,000円 48081
Nabokov, his life in part Nabokov] Field, Andrew c1977 1,300円 48082
The reader in the Dickens world : style and response. Dickens, Charles] Horton, Susan R. 1981 1,000円 48442
Turning into Sterne : Viktor Shklovskii and literary reception Emily Finer 2010 3,000円 48506
The poems & prophecies of William Blake. (Everyman's library ; no. 792 ; Poetry and drama) Blake, William ; Plowman, Max 1927 1,500円 48609
Little journeys to the homes of English authors. Hubbard, Elbert 1900 6,000円 48622
Spiritual, blues, and jazz people in African American fiction : living in paradox. Spiritual, blues, and jazz people in African American fiction : living in paradox. Jimoh, A. Yemisi c2002 2,000円 48694
Joyce and the Jews : culture and texts. Joyce, James] Nadel, Ira Bruce 1989 1,800円 48696
Exorcising blackness : historical and literary lynching and burning rituals. Harris, Trudier c1984 1,800円 48700
Faulkner's artistic vision : the bizarre and the terrible. (Aichi University Literary Association publication grant book ; no. 10) 山口, 隆一 ; 愛知大學文學會 c2004 2,000円 48702
The Gertrude Stein reader : the great American pioneer of avant-garde letters Stein, Gertrude ; Kostelanetz, Richard 2002 1,000円 48706
Joyce : the return of the repressed. Joyce, James] Friedman, Susan Stanford 1993 1,000円 48718
Melville and the wall of the modern age. Melville, Herman] 牧野, 有通 2010 3,000円 48759
Reading in Tudor England Eugene R. Kintgen c1996 1,500円 48856
The poems of John Milton. (Longman annotated English poets) The poems of John Milton. (Longman annotated English poets) Milton, John ; Carey, John ; Fowler, Alastair David Shaw 1968 3,000円 48933
Shakespearean constitutions : politics, theatre, criticism, 1730-1830 Jonathan Bate 1989 6,000円 49003
The other empire : British romantic writings about the Ottoman Empire.  (Literary criticism and cultural theory ; . outstanding dissertations) The other empire : British romantic writings about the Ottoman Empire. (Literary criticism and cultural theory ; . outstanding dissertations) Turhan, Filiz 2003 6,000円 49005
Romantic psychoanalysis : the burden of the mystery Joel Faflak c2008 3,000円 49006
Personification and the sublime : Milton to Coleridge. Personification and the sublime : Milton to Coleridge. Knapp, Steven 1985 6,000円 49010
Creature and creator : myth-making and English romanticism. Creature and creator : myth-making and English romanticism. Cantor, Paul A. 1985 1,500円 49040
Masculine desire : the sexual politics of Victorian aestheticism. Masculine desire : the sexual politics of Victorian aestheticism. Dellamora, Richard c1990 1,500円 49045
Christmas Numbers : The nine extra christmas numbers of 'All the Year Round' (1859-1867), with two Lyulph's christmas stories. Dickens, Charles 18-- 6,000円 49149
The dynasts : an epic-drama of the war with Napoleon. (Kenkyusha English classics = 研究社英文學叢書) Hardy, Thomas ; 澤村, 寅二郎 1931 2,000円 49282
Select poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley. (Kenkyusha English classics = 研究社英文學叢書) Shelley, Percy Bysshe ; 斎藤, 勇 ; 土居, 光知 1922 1,000円 49286
Language, sexuality and ideology in Ezra Pound's Cantos. (Language, discourse, society) Rabate, Jean-Michel 1986 1,500円 49308
Purely for my pleasure. Maugham, W. Somerset c1962. 1,500円 49385
Marvell's ambivalence : religion and the politics of imagination in mid-seventeenth-century England. (Studies in Renaissance literature / general editor: John T. Shawcross ; v. 28) Yoshinaka, Takashi 2011 4,800円 49407
The Umbrella of Aesculapius. Meyer, Thomas 1975 2,000円 49421
税関 税関 アンドルー・モーション 著 ; 伊木和子 訳 2013 2,000円 68085
The complete works The complete works William Dunbar ; edited by John Conlee 2004 2,000円 70451
Chesterton and the romance of Orthodoxy : the making of GKC, 1874-1908. William Oddie 2010 2,000円 71009
Romantic identities : varieties of subjectivity, 1774-1830 Romantic identities : varieties of subjectivity, 1774-1830 Andrea K. Henderson 1996 4,800円 71149
Romantic influences : contemporary - Victorian - modern Romantic influences : contemporary - Victorian - modern John Beer 1993 4,800円 71158
Virginia Woolf : turning the centuries : selected papers from the ninth annual Conference on Virginia Woolf : University of Delaware, June 10-13, 1999 Virginia Woolf : turning the centuries : selected papers from the ninth annual Conference on Virginia Woolf : University of Delaware, June 10-13, 1999 edited by Ann Ardis & Bonnie Kime Scott   2,800円 71213
The rhetoric of the unselfconscious in D.H. Lawrence : verbalising the non-verbal in the Lady Chatterley novels The rhetoric of the unselfconscious in D.H. Lawrence : verbalising the non-verbal in the Lady Chatterley novels Masami Nakabayashi   2,000円 71236
Henry David Thoreau chronology Henry David Thoreau chronology Leonard F Kleinfeld 1950 1,000円 71352
La nuit d'Ulysse. La nuit d'Ulysse. James Joyce ; transposition scenique d'Ulysse par Marjorie Barkentin ; sous la direction de Padraic Colum c1959 1,500円 71441
Blake and antiquity. Blake and antiquity. Kathleen Raine 1977 1,000円 71490
The French Joyce The French Joyce Geert Lernout 1993 1,500円 71537
The universal vampire : origins and evolution of a legend The universal vampire : origins and evolution of a legend Barbara Brodman and James E. Doan 2013 3,000円 71566
Literature, education, and romanticism : reading as social practice, 1780-1832 Literature, education, and romanticism : reading as social practice, 1780-1832 Alan Richardson 1996 2,000円 71581
English poetry of the First World War : contexts and themes English poetry of the First World War : contexts and themes George Parfitt 1990 1,500円 71585
Robert Browning Robert Browning Joseph Bristow 1991 1,500円 71586