



書籍商 東京都公安委員会
許可 第303298300269号



  書名 著者名 刊行年 価格+ No.
Operative optimism. Gausa, Manue ; Cros, Susanna 2005 2,000円 43705
Palais des Machines : Ferdinand Dutert Stuart Durant 1994 2,000円 77614
Regaining paradise : Englishness and the early garden city movement. Regaining paradise : Englishness and the early garden city movement. Standish Meacham c1999 2,000円 70920
Robert Smythson and the architecture of the Elizabethan era. Smythson, Robert] Girouard, Mark [1967] 2,000円 42131
Roman villas : a study in social structure. J.T. Smith ; drawings by A.T. Adams 1998 2,000円 92218
The architecture of oppression : the SS, forced labour and the Nazi monumental building economy. Paul B. Jaskot 2000 2,000円 79943
The decorated diagram : Harvard architecture and the failure of the Bauhaus legacy. Herdeg, Klaus c1983 2,000円 46726
The medieval park : new perspectives. Edited by Liddiard, Robert 2007 2,000円 92394
Tschumi. Une Architecture En Projet: Le Fresnoy Tschumi] 1993 2,000円 42197
Urban landscape : new tendencies new resources new solutions. Losantos, Agata c2007 2,000円 43714
Changing ideas on architecture in the Encyclopedie, 1750-1776 alk. paper by Kevin Harrington 1985 2,500円 79994
Concrete and clay : reworking nature in New York City Matthew Gandy 2002 2,500円 36875
L'orientalisme architectural entre imaginaires et savoirs L'orientalisme architectural entre imaginaires et savoirs Nabila Oulebsir ; Mercedes Volait 2009 2,500円 46084
La maison, espace social La maison, espace social Jacques Pezeu-Massabuau 1983 2,500円 73429
Presse et architecture au XIXe siecle : Cesar Daly et la Revue generale de l'architecture et des travaux publics Presse et architecture au XIXe siecle : Cesar Daly et la Revue generale de l'architecture et des travaux publics Marc Saboya; 1991 2,500円 73428
Stadtplanung Stadtplanung Gerd Albers 1996 2,500円 70887
Unseen I slipped away. Nio, Maurice 2004 2,500円 43712
Augustus Pugin versus Decimus Burton : a Victorian architectural duel. Guy R. Williams 1990 2,800円 79992
Buildings of Belfast 1700-1914. Brett, C. E. B. 1967 2,800円 42156
Hellerau : mein unverlierbares Europa. Hellerau : mein unverlierbares Europa. Peter de Mendelssohn 1993 2,800円 70928
Japan-ness in architecture. Arata Isozaki ; translated by Sabu Kohso ; edited by David B. Stewart ; foreword by Toshiko Mori 2006 2,800円 76549
La guerre des rues et des maisons. La guerre des rues et des maisons. Thomas Robert Bugeaud ; Maite. Bouyssy 1997 2,800円 91238
Ten books on architecture. Alberti, Leon Battista 1955 2,800円 42153
The picturesque garden and its influence outside the British Isles. [edited by Nikolaus Pevsner] 1974 2,800円 92071
Architecture - art or profession? : Three hundred years of architectural education in Britain Architecture - art or profession? : Three hundred years of architectural education in Britain Mark Crinson ; Jules Lubbock 1994 3,000円 75166
Architecture in watercolor. Architecture in watercolor. Thomas W. Schaller 1990 3,000円 77179
Bauen vor der Stadt : Beispiel, Kanton Basel-Land = Suburban building : example, Basel-country edited by Dieter Wronsky and Werner Blaser ; with contributions by Christoph Allenspach, Hans-Rudolf Heyer, Dieter Wronsky c1991 3,000円 44384
Chicago Central Area Plan: A Plan for the Heart of the City Chicago Central Area Committee 1983 3,000円 75564
Daidalos : Architektur Kunst Kultur, 48: Sous Terrain/ Under Ground   1993 3,000円 73238
Daidalos : Architektur Kunst Kultur, 49: Denlmal/ Monument   1993 3,000円 73237
Daidalos : Architektur Kunst Kultur, 50: An der Perpherie/ On the Periphery   1993 3,000円 73236
Drager House : Berkeley, California 1994, architect: Franklin D. Israel Drager House : Berkeley, California 1994, architect: Franklin D. Israel Aaron Betsky 1996 3,000円 73358
Eleven exercises in the art of architectural drawing : slow food for the architect's imagination Eleven exercises in the art of architectural drawing : slow food for the architect's imagination Marco Frascari 2011 3,000円 75164
Grand Central Terminal : Warren and Wetmore Grand Central Terminal : Warren and Wetmore Kenneth Powell 1996 3,000円 73357
Hauer-King house : London 1994 architect: Future Systems Hauer-King house : London 1994 architect: Future Systems Martin Pawley ; photography: Richard Davies ; drawings: Future Systems, Hetta Hunloke 1997 3,000円 73348
Justus Dahinden : Denken - Fuhlen - Handeln = penser - sentir - agir = thinking - feeling - acting. Dahinden, Justus 1973 3,000円 44385
Lawson-Westen house : Eric Owen Moss Lawson-Westen house : Eric Owen Moss James Steele 1995 3,000円 73351
Lumieres. (Art(s) des lieux) Lumieres. (Art(s) des lieux) Bouchier, Martine 2002 3,000円 48980
Maisons du peuple : Belgique, Allemagne, Autriche, France, Grande-Bretagne, Italie, Pays-Bas, Suisse. Belgium. Administration du patrimoine culturel ; Archives d'architecture moderne 1984 3,000円 46804
Metropolis 1890-1940 Metropolis 1890-1940 edited by Anthony Sutcliffe 1984 3,000円 90139
New Principles of Gardening: Or, the Laying out and Planting Parterres, Groves, Wildernesses, Labyrinths, Avenues, Parks, &c. Batty Langley 1971 3,000円 92070
On architecture., 1-2 On architecture., 1-2 Vitruvius ; edited from the Harleian manuscript 2767 and translated into English by Frank Granger 1970 3,000円 91994
Ove Arup & Partners, 1946-1986. Ove Arup & Partners 1986 3,000円 40566
Pfemfert Erinnerungen und Abrechnungen, Texte und Briefe. Pfemfert Erinnerungen und Abrechnungen, Texte und Briefe. Lisbeth ExnerHerbert Kapfer [1999] 3,000円 70878
Progettare in fiera, progettare la Fiera = Designing for trade fairs, designin the Trade Fair. Progettare in fiera, progettare la Fiera = Designing for trade fairs, designin the Trade Fair. Marek Nester Piotrowski 2002 3,000円 90269
Rude timber buildings in Australia. Cox, P. S./ Freeland, J. M. c1969 3,000円 43209
Science plus sentiment : Cesar Daly's formula for modern architecture Richard Becherer 1984 3,000円 79995
Edwardian architecture : a biographical dictionary. Gray, A. Stuart 1985 3,500円 42181
Architecture of the private streets of St. Louis : the architects and the houses they designed. Savage, Charles C. 1987 3,800円 42143
Building the Georgian city James Ayres 1998 3,800円 38355