



書籍商 東京都公安委員会
許可 第303298300269号



  書名 著者名 刊行年 価格 No.-
Transmitters and creators : Chinese commentators and commentaries on the analects John Makeham 2003 3,000円 94101
War and conscience in Japan : Nambara Shigeru and the Asia-Pacific war. edited and translated by Richard H. Minear 2011 3,000円 94092
Mystic tales from the Zohar. translated with notes and commentary by Aryeh Wineman 1998 1,500円 93652
Spiritual encounters : interactions between christianity and native religions in colonial America. edited by Nicholas Griffiths and Fernando Cervantes 1999 1,500円 93650
Studies in Thomistic theology. editor, Paul Lockey ; associate editors, Paul Hahn, Janusz Ihnatowicz, John Sommerfeldt 1995 3,000円 93646
La kabbale : (De arte cabalistica). Johann Reuchlin 1995 4,800円 93609
Les kabbalistes Chretiens de la Renaissance. Francois Secret 1985 4,800円 93608
Toison d'or et alchimie. Toison d'or et alchimie. Antoine Faivre 1990 2,500円 93560
Dieux et bouddhas au Japon. Dieux et bouddhas au Japon. Bernard Frank 2000 4,000円 93347
Acces de l'esoterisme occidental Acces de l'esoterisme occidental Antoine Faivre 1996 5,000円 93331
Mentalites medievales., XIe-XVe siecle Mentalites medievales., XIe-XVe siecle Herve Martin 1996 3,000円 93236
Graf Wolfgang II. von Hohenlohe und die Alchemie : alchemistische Studien in Schloss Weikersheim, 1587-1610. Graf Wolfgang II. von Hohenlohe und die Alchemie : alchemistische Studien in Schloss Weikersheim, 1587-1610. Jost Weyer 1992 6,000円 92210
L'univers du zen : histoire, spiritualite et civilisation. L'univers du zen : histoire, spiritualite et civilisation. Jacques Brosse 2015 1,500円 92094
Garnata al-yahud : Granada en la historia del judaismo espanol. Garnata al-yahud : Granada en la historia del judaismo espanol. David Gonzalo Maeso 1990 3,000円 91936
Nostradamus en clair. Nostradamus en clair. Jean-Charles Pichon 1970 1,000円 91934
Mithras ein persisch-romischer Mysterienkult. Mithras ein persisch-romischer Mysterienkult. Reinhold Merkelbach 1994 3,000円 90308
Mithras : Mysterien und Urchristentum Mithras : Mysterien und Urchristentum Alfred Schutze 1972 3,000円 90307
Les Mohamed. Les Mohamed. Jerome Ruillier ; Yamina Benguigui 2011 2,000円 90245
Faces of nationalism : Janus revisited. Tom Nairn 1997 1,000円 79425
Chinesische Religion und Philosophie : Konfuzianismus, Mohismus, Daoismus, Buddhismus : Grundlagen und Einblicke. Konrad Meisig 2005 2,800円 79178
Muhammad : his life based on the earliest sources by Martin Lings 1986 3,000円 78486
The opening way : Kurozumi Munetada, founder of Kurozumikyo Kurozumi Tadaaki ; translated by Julie Iezzi and Harold Wright with assistance from Kamiya Sumio ; edited by Willis Stoesz 1994 2,000円 77005
The living way : Kyososama no goitsuwa : stories of Kurozumi Munetada, a Shinto founder narrated by Tadaaki Kurozumi and Isshi Kohmoto ; translated by Sumio Kamiya ; edited by Willis Stoesz 2000 1,000円 77004
Recent Japanese philosophical thought, 1862-1996 : a survey. Gino K. Piovesana 1997 3,000円 76853
Transmitters and creators : Chinese commentators and commentaries on the analects Transmitters and creators : Chinese commentators and commentaries on the analects John Makeham 2003 3,000円 76174
Histoire generale du feminisme : des origines a nos jours Histoire generale du feminisme : des origines a nos jours Leon Abensour 1979 2,800円 75417
Nitobe Inazo : Japan's bridge across the Pacific Nitobe Inazo : Japan's bridge across the Pacific edited by John F. Howes 1995 4,800円 75339
Watanabe Kazan Fujimori Seikichi ; aus dem Japanischen Ubersetzt von Konami Hirao 1995 2,000円 74685
Les sources occultes du romantisme : illuminisme, theosophie, 1770-1820, t. 1-2 Les sources occultes du romantisme : illuminisme, theosophie, 1770-1820, t. 1-2 Auguste Viatte 1979 ; 1965 6,000円 72414
The political doctrine of the Ism〓〓〓l〓s (the Imamate) : an edition and translation, with introduction and notes, of Ab〓 l'-Faw〓ris A〓mad ibn Ya〓q〓b's ar-Ris〓la f〓l-im〓ma The political doctrine of the Ism〓〓〓l〓s (the Imamate) : an edition and translation, with introduction and notes, of Ab〓 l'-Faw〓ris A〓mad ibn Ya〓q〓b's ar-Ris〓la f〓l-im〓ma by Sami Nasib Makarem 1977 2,000円 72300
The original analects : sayings of Confucius and his successors The original analects : sayings of Confucius and his successors a new translation and commentary by E. Bruce Brooks and A. Taeko Brooks 1997 2,800円 72082
Le neant evide : ontologie et politique chez Keiji Nishitani : une tentative d'interpretation, Peeters Leuven Bernard Stevens 2003 2,000円 48868
The construction of space in early China Mark Edward Lewis c2006 2,500円 47938
Five Lost Classics: Tao, Huang-lao, and Yin-yang in Han China. (Classics of Ancient China) Yates, Robin D.S. 1997 2,000円 47926
Ideographia : the Chinese cipher in early modern Europe. Ideographia : the Chinese cipher in early modern Europe. Porter, David 2001 3,000円 47823
L'esoterisme musical en France, 1750-1950. (Bibliotheque de l'hermetisme) L'esoterisme musical en France, 1750-1950. (Bibliotheque de l'hermetisme) Godwin Joscelyn c1991 2,000円 47356
Philosophy and science in the Islamic world Philosophy and science in the Islamic world C.A. Qadir 1988 2,000円 44354
La Metaphysique Du Shifa : Livres I A V   1978 3,800円 43796
Studien zur Geschichte des Denkens im Japan des 17. bis 19. Jahrhunderts : Chu-Hsi-konfuzianische Geist-Diskurse von Klaus Kracht 1986 3,800円 39639
Studien zur Geschichte des Denkens im Japan des 17. bis 19. Jahrhunderts : Chu-Hsi-konfuzianische Geist-Diskurse Studien zur Geschichte des Denkens im Japan des 17. bis 19. Jahrhunderts : Chu-Hsi-konfuzianische Geist-Diskurse von Klaus Kracht 1986 3,800円 39539
The wisdom of the throne : an introduction to the philosophy of Mulla Sadra The wisdom of the throne : an introduction to the philosophy of Mulla Sadra James Winston Morris c1981 3,800円 39500
Confucian bioethics Confucian bioethics edited by Ruiping Fan 1999 12,000円 37000
Dilemmas in modern Jewish thought : the dialectics of revelation and history. Morgan, Michael L. c1992 1,000円 36840