書名 |
著者名 |
刊行年 |
価格 |
No.- |
Transmitters and creators : Chinese commentators and commentaries on the analects |
John Makeham |
2003 |
3,000円 |
94101 |
War and conscience in Japan : Nambara Shigeru and the Asia-Pacific war. |
edited and translated by Richard H. Minear |
2011 |
3,000円 |
94092 |
Mystic tales from the Zohar. |
translated with notes and commentary by Aryeh Wineman |
1998 |
1,500円 |
93652 |
Spiritual encounters : interactions between christianity and native religions in colonial America. |
edited by Nicholas Griffiths and Fernando Cervantes |
1999 |
1,500円 |
93650 |
Studies in Thomistic theology. |
editor, Paul Lockey ; associate editors, Paul Hahn, Janusz Ihnatowicz, John Sommerfeldt |
1995 |
3,000円 |
93646 |
La kabbale : (De arte cabalistica). |
Johann Reuchlin |
1995 |
4,800円 |
93609 |
Les kabbalistes Chretiens de la Renaissance. |
Francois Secret |
1985 |
4,800円 |
93608 |
Toison d'or et alchimie. |
Antoine Faivre |
1990 |
2,500円 |
93560 |
Dieux et bouddhas au Japon. |
Bernard Frank |
2000 |
4,000円 |
93347 |
Acces de l'esoterisme occidental |
Antoine Faivre |
1996 |
5,000円 |
93331 |
Mentalites medievales., XIe-XVe siecle |
Herve Martin |
1996 |
3,000円 |
93236 |
Graf Wolfgang II. von Hohenlohe und die Alchemie : alchemistische Studien in Schloss Weikersheim, 1587-1610. |
Jost Weyer |
1992 |
6,000円 |
92210 |
L'univers du zen : histoire, spiritualite et civilisation. |
Jacques Brosse |
2015 |
1,500円 |
92094 |
Garnata al-yahud : Granada en la historia del judaismo espanol. |
David Gonzalo Maeso |
1990 |
3,000円 |
91936 |
Nostradamus en clair. |
Jean-Charles Pichon |
1970 |
1,000円 |
91934 |
Mithras ein persisch-romischer Mysterienkult. |
Reinhold Merkelbach |
1994 |
3,000円 |
90308 |
Mithras : Mysterien und Urchristentum |
Alfred Schutze |
1972 |
3,000円 |
90307 |
Les Mohamed. |
Jerome Ruillier ; Yamina Benguigui |
2011 |
2,000円 |
90245 |
Faces of nationalism : Janus revisited. |
Tom Nairn |
1997 |
1,000円 |
79425 |
Chinesische Religion und Philosophie : Konfuzianismus, Mohismus, Daoismus, Buddhismus : Grundlagen und Einblicke. |
Konrad Meisig |
2005 |
2,800円 |
79178 |
Muhammad : his life based on the earliest sources |
by Martin Lings |
1986 |
3,000円 |
78486 |
The opening way : Kurozumi Munetada, founder of Kurozumikyo |
Kurozumi Tadaaki ; translated by Julie Iezzi and Harold Wright with assistance from Kamiya Sumio ; edited by Willis Stoesz |
1994 |
2,000円 |
77005 |
The living way : Kyososama no goitsuwa : stories of Kurozumi Munetada, a Shinto founder |
narrated by Tadaaki Kurozumi and Isshi Kohmoto ; translated by Sumio Kamiya ; edited by Willis Stoesz |
2000 |
1,000円 |
77004 |
Recent Japanese philosophical thought, 1862-1996 : a survey. |
Gino K. Piovesana |
1997 |
3,000円 |
76853 |
Transmitters and creators : Chinese commentators and commentaries on the analects |
John Makeham |
2003 |
3,000円 |
76174 |
Histoire generale du feminisme : des origines a nos jours |
Leon Abensour |
1979 |
2,800円 |
75417 |
Nitobe Inazo : Japan's bridge across the Pacific |
edited by John F. Howes |
1995 |
4,800円 |
75339 |
Watanabe Kazan |
Fujimori Seikichi ; aus dem Japanischen Ubersetzt von Konami Hirao |
1995 |
2,000円 |
74685 |
Les sources occultes du romantisme : illuminisme, theosophie, 1770-1820, t. 1-2 |
Auguste Viatte |
1979 ; 1965 |
6,000円 |
72414 |
The political doctrine of the Ism〓〓〓l〓s (the Imamate) : an edition and translation, with introduction and notes, of Ab〓 l'-Faw〓ris A〓mad ibn Ya〓q〓b's ar-Ris〓la f〓l-im〓ma |
by Sami Nasib Makarem |
1977 |
2,000円 |
72300 |
The original analects : sayings of Confucius and his successors |
a new translation and commentary by E. Bruce Brooks and A. Taeko Brooks |
1997 |
2,800円 |
72082 |
Le neant evide : ontologie et politique chez Keiji Nishitani : une tentative d'interpretation, Peeters Leuven |
Bernard Stevens |
2003 |
2,000円 |
48868 |
The construction of space in early China |
Mark Edward Lewis |
c2006 |
2,500円 |
47938 |
Five Lost Classics: Tao, Huang-lao, and Yin-yang in Han China. (Classics of Ancient China) |
Yates, Robin D.S. |
1997 |
2,000円 |
47926 |
Ideographia : the Chinese cipher in early modern Europe. |
Porter, David |
2001 |
3,000円 |
47823 |
L'esoterisme musical en France, 1750-1950. (Bibliotheque de l'hermetisme) |
Godwin Joscelyn |
c1991 |
2,000円 |
47356 |
Philosophy and science in the Islamic world |
C.A. Qadir |
1988 |
2,000円 |
44354 |
La Metaphysique Du Shifa : Livres I A V |
1978 |
3,800円 |
43796 |
Studien zur Geschichte des Denkens im Japan des 17. bis 19. Jahrhunderts : Chu-Hsi-konfuzianische Geist-Diskurse |
von Klaus Kracht |
1986 |
3,800円 |
39639 |
Studien zur Geschichte des Denkens im Japan des 17. bis 19. Jahrhunderts : Chu-Hsi-konfuzianische Geist-Diskurse |
von Klaus Kracht |
1986 |
3,800円 |
39539 |
The wisdom of the throne : an introduction to the philosophy of Mulla Sadra |
James Winston Morris |
c1981 |
3,800円 |
39500 |
Confucian bioethics |
edited by Ruiping Fan |
1999 |
12,000円 |
37000 |
Dilemmas in modern Jewish thought : the dialectics of revelation and history. |
Morgan, Michael L. |
c1992 |
1,000円 |
36840 |